Bound with Rope & Love

a slave's view on her life with Master

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tied Up -- Happy HNT

There's something comforting for me about being bound by Master.  When He winds the rope around me, i feel quiet.  Thoughts slip away, the busy self-chatter silences, and i just am.  Master tried something different today; He bound me before we went to sleep.  As i lay next to Him, under His arm or leg at times, rolling over feeling the rope gently press into my flesh, feeling His weight against me, i felt secure.  Cocoon-like. Wrapped in His love and care.  After He unbound me, the lovely impressions were left upon my skin.  Reminders of His ownership and of His love.  I have been floating in a lovely space all day.  The marks are gone, but the feeling remains.  I am bound to Him with rope and love.  (**PS, to see what transpired after the rope came off, take a peak at Master's HNT page. Look closely for some faint rope lines.)
